The Royal Balance Coffee Maker

There is no machine that makes better coffee or tea! Boiling water is pushed through the metal pipet. By the time the water reaches the grounds, it has cooled a few degrees. The result: coffee and water meet at the perfect temperature to extract the oils and flavors, but not so hot as to impart […]

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Hanoi, fast but slow    

It’s easy to notice that every morning by the pavements Hanoian gathering around together and enjoy their very own slow life flow, how strange isn’t it? They slower the modern life by patiently resting in their sit waiting for the Phin coffee slowly drip out, reading papers, smoking cigarettes and talk about their normal daily life, regardless how harsh the life out there.

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Healthy drink = Coffee

It is not clearly stated when coffee was found but ever since it has played an important part of our daily life, who can start a good day without a mug of real good coffee? Well, I don’t know who but obviously not me. Waking up and leaving my bed every morning is one of […]

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